Adult Volunteers
A call out to all Scouting Parents
The Scouting Program needs your participation. Signup now to help make this a successful year.
No experience necessary.
To ensure continuity of the Scouting program in Doha for each Scouting year we need your skills
and enthusiasm to help manage the program.
The life-blood of our robust scouting experience is due to the active participation by Scouting
parents. We live in a transient community and new opportunities to support Troop 970 are
immediate. We need you now!
So why volunteer?
ï‚· Connect with your Scout (and friends).
ï‚· Be an active member of the Scouting community.
ï‚· Be a living example for your Scout.
ï‚· Shape the lives of Scouts in the Troop.
ï‚· Enriches the scouting experience.
ï‚· Learn something new about yourself.
ï‚· Have fun!
There is so much you can do at any level of participation from Committee positions to ad-hoc /
occasional initiatives at Troop meetings or activities. Throughout the year, the Troop needs
parents who can be relied upon to drive the Scouts to the monthly campouts, help with meal
planning, teaching knots or simply how to fold a flag.
Even the Committee positions need ad-hoc occasional support. Is there some element you could
support to help the person who holds a Committee role? For example; Twice a year, we need an
Event Planner to organize the mid and end of year Court of Honor and Celebration; Or help
organize the adults and/or transport for a campout or pull the trailer.
What to do next?
Please connect with any one of the adult leaderships if you have an interest or questions about the
various leadership positions, time commitment, expectations, etc. or want to know how you can
actively support Troop 970. The full list and descriptions can be found below.
Otherwise contact the Troop Committee Chair by e-mail at:
So jump in! The water is fine and we’ll have a lot of fun together.
Committee and adult volunteer roles:
ï‚· Charter Org. Representative
ï‚· Committee Chair
ï‚· Assistant Committee Chair
ï‚· Secretary
ï‚· Treasurer
ï‚· Adult Training Chair
ï‚· Membership Chair
ï‚· Advancement & Merit Badge Chair
ï‚· Equipment Coordinator
ï‚· Inventory coordinator
ï‚· Outdoor/activities Coordinator Event Coordinator
ï‚· Camp Coordinator
ï‚· Outdoor Activities Coordinator
ï‚· Life-to-Eagle
ï‚· High Adventure
ï‚· Adult Webmaster
In addition to above, there are many more roles such as becoming a Scout Master or Merit Badge
Counselors. The program cannot function without adult volunteers. Our success depends on you!!
To learn more, please send us an email located within the Contact Us page.